Monstera Adansonii Varieties for Your Indoor Garden
When it comes to choosing which Monstera Adansonii variety to grow in your indoor garden, it can be a tough decision. My goal with this list is to help you make a choice based on looks as well as a few noteworthy care tips fo reach one. I hope this list of Monstera Adansonii’s makes it easier for you to choose. i’ve included The Monstera Adansonii is worth filling up your indoor garden with, as there are so many varieties to choose from! I’ll go over them all ahead.
Monstera Adansonii varieties for your indoor garden include the Friedrichsthalii, Epipremnoides, Archipelago, Acuminata, Lechleriana, Obliqua, Laniata, and Variegata.
With so many fascinating and varied types of Monstera Adansonii to choose from, you needn’t ever be bored. Ahead, I’ll discuss each Monstera variety and provide care instructions, so make sure you don’t miss it!
1. Monstera Adansonii Friedrichsthalii
To begin, we’ve got the Monstera Friedrichsthalii, a Monstera variety that grows in warm regions across the world such as Central America, South America, Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil.
This evergreen Monstera is beloved for its glossy texture and deep, green leaves. The holes replete throughout the foliage are a given, of course.
The leaf size of the Friedrichsthalii is a little narrower and longer than other Monstera varieties, but the plant can still reach sizes of at least two feet long indoors.
To care for the Adansonii Friedrichsthalii
Water well but let the soil dry out an inch or two deep before replenishing with more water. You will probably cut back your watering by a huge degree by the winter!
Use a slow-release fertilizer, preferably granules over liquid.
Apply at the start of the active growing season in the spring and fertilize once per season until the fall. Make sure the fertilizer is added six inches from the plant’s base.
Grow the Friedrichsthalii in bright, indirect light and temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Friedrichsthalii grows best in well-draining soil amended with orchid bark and peat. The soil pH should be 5.5 to 7.0.
2. Monstera Adansonii Epipremnoides
Hailing from the warmth and tropical atmosphere of Costa Rica, the Monstera Epipremnoides is another fantastic Monstera Adansonii to add to your indoor garden.
The Epipremnoides have larger leaves than most Adansonii varieties. In maturity, those leaves can reach sizes of two feet, which is impressive stuff!
The color of the leaves is a light green hue. If you touch the leaves, you’ll notice they’re also somewhat fuzzy and almost leathery, and quite thick compared to the other monstera varieties.
Epipremnoides also feature large fenestrations throughout that take up quite a lot of the leaves.
Caring for Epipremnoides requires moderately moist soil around the clock. You can allow up to three inches of the soil to dry out before watering this Monstera Adansonii variety again.
Temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees suit this houseplant well, as does high humidity.
You can use a liquid fertilizer for the Epipremnoides. A gentler formula is better, so feel free to dilute the fertilizer to half-strength.
Bright, indirect sunlight or even bright, dappled light suffices. Position the plant in front of an east-facing window for best results!
The Epipremnoides also requires well-draining potting soil.
To learn more about well-draining soil I recommend reading my article titled: Well-Draining Soil for Indoor Plants.
If you already have a brand of Monstera soil you like, I’ve found that any of the typical “monstera soil” will be fine with the Adansonii Epipremnoides. It’s not nearly as picky as other types of Adansonii plants.
3. Monstera Adansonii Archipelago
Do you prefer your indoor plants variegated? If so, then prepare to be utterly enchanted by the beauty of the Monstera Adansonii Archipelago.
Considered a rarer Adansonii variety, the Archipelago features large swathes of creamy, dreamy white and ivory across each fenestrated leaf.
The variegation doesn’t often cover the entire leaf but roughly half and perhaps a little more depending on the size of the leaf. The white color can extend to the thick stems of this houseplant as well.
Growing natively in the West Indies as well as Central and South America, the Archipelago should be watered when at least a few inches of its soil dry out.
Milder temps suit this variegated Monstera Adansonii better, between 68 and 74 degrees. High humidity at around 70 percent is also preferred.
Indirect, bright light is a must if you hope for your Archipelago to retain its gorgeous coloring for a long time to come. Dimmer lighting than that will cause the variegation to permanently fade.
Well-draining soil suits an aroid such as the Archipelago. You can buy potting soil or make your own, amending with sphagnum moss, vermiculite, perlite, and coco coir.
4. Monstera Adansonii Acuminata
Known as the shingle plant, the Monstera Acuminata is an Adansonii variety that has spread rapidly throughout Central America and Mexico.
When outdoors, the Acuminata grows horizontally in the ground. In its juvenile stage, whether grown indoors or outdoors, don’t be surprised if the Acuminata doesn’t look like much.
It’s small at this point but can eventually reach sizes of 15 feet (more so outdoors than indoors!) in maturity.
The Adansonii Acuminata features waxy round or heart-shaped leaves that are rather thick.
Like other Monstera Adansonii varieties, the Acuminata needs time to let its soil dry out before you water it again. The soil should be dry at least two inches deep, which you can ascertain by plunking clean fingers in.
I know you think I’m going to recommend bright, indirect light, but not for the Acuminata.
This Adansonii variety natively grows in dappled sunlight and shade. When growing it indoors a south-facing window will provide just enough bright light.
Watch that thermostat, keeping it between 65 and 70 degrees. Hotter is fine, and moister is always good too, as the Acuminata requires humidity of at least 45 percent if not higher.
Well-draining, well-balanced soil with compost and peat moss will nourish the Acuminata, as will three feedings of fertilizer a year.
If you’re not familiar with mixing peat moss or sphagnum moss in with your soils to enrich it, I highly recommend you read my related article titled: Peat Moss vs. Sphagnum Moss: Differences and Similarities.
5. Monstera Adansonii Lechleriana
At first glance, you might wonder if the Adansonii Lechleriana is a Monstera at all. It doesn’t have fenestrations “holes in its leaves” when it’s young, which is what causes this confusion.
Indeed, the Lechleriana is a Monstera Adansonii. It just needs time to grow into its leaves!
Granted, compared to other Adansonii varieties, the Lechleriana will never have as many fenestrations, but the ones it does possess are round and sizable.
Speaking of sizable, the leaves of a Lechleriana can grow to 10 inches if you care for the plant well.
This South and Central American indoor plant prefers its soil to dry out two inches deep before you water it again.
Use well-draining soil and provide bright, indirect light as well.
6. Monstera Adansonii Obliqua
Quite an appealing Monstera Adansonii variety to add to any indoor garden is the Adansonii Obliqua.
Originating in South and Central America, the Obliqua is beloved for its holey foliage. Some Obliqua leaves have even more fenestrations than they do leaves!
Do be forewarned that the Obliqua is a rather slow-growing houseplant. That’s not to say that growing this Monstera Adansonii variety outdoors is any better, as it still takes years to see several feet of growth.
The Obliqua is very rare, which is what lures indoor gardeners to it. Beware that it’s also the hardest to grow and care for on this list as well as the most expensive plant on this list.
The rare and beautiful Monstera Adansonii Obliqua can easily cost a few hundred dollars. That said, that Large Monstera Adansonii Obliqua has been sold for thousands of dollars.
How do you care for the Obliqua?
Watering less frequently than more frequently is what I recommend.
Just don’t get so forgetful in your watering habits that the Obliqua develops yellowed foliage!
Mild temperatures no lower than 60 degrees are fine for this Monstera. Feel free to bump up the thermostat a little over 70 degrees if needed.
Like other Monsteras, the Obliqua grows between spring and fall and should be fertilized at those intervals.
7. Monstera Adansonii Laniata
With its South and Central American roots, the stunning Monstera Adansonii Laniata would make a fantastic addition to your collection of plants.
Reaching sizes between four and 12 feet when grown indoors, the Laniata features simple foliage. Its leaves are a rich, bright green hue with average-sized fenestrations throughout.
The leaves can get as large as two feet apiece, and their glossy texture looks especially great when shining in the sunlight (or under artificial light).
Allow the Laniata to get a little drier than most Monstera Adansonii varieties. This plant needs water when the top half of its soil has dried out.
Another deviation is the type of lighting Laniata prefers. Filtered sunlight with periods of shade will best replicate its native rainforest environment, where the Laniata naturally grows under the shade of larger trees and plants.
If you have a westerly-facing window, position your Adansonii Laniata in a shadier part of the room. In a brighter room, an easterly or northerly-facing window is fine.
Speaking of having a westerly-facing window, if that’s where many of your windows are positioned in your home or office, you’ll really want to read my article on The Best Houseplants for West-Facing Windows.
How do you care for the Adansonii Laniata
The Laniata likes temps within a room temperature range, so between 61 and 82 degrees.
You will need a humidifier to satiate the Laniata’s humidity needs, as this plant prefers moisture at a rate of 60 to 90 percent.
Use well-draining, nutrient-rich soil that’s moderately acidic or slightly neutral. A good pH range to aim for is between 5.0 and 7.5.
Fertilizing the Laniata is important, but you needn’t reach for any special products.
A standard fertilizer with a balanced mix of macronutrients works well. The fertilizer ratio should read 10-10-10.
Be sure to dilute the fertilizer before feeding the Laniata, especially liquid fertilizer!
8. Monstera Adansonii Variegata
I saved quite the doozy for last, and that’s the Monstera Adansonii Variegata.
I know that at first glance, the Variegata and Archipelago look a lot alike, but if you study them further, you will see differences.
For instance, the Variegata usually features pure white variegations across the leaves whereas the Archipelago has white and ivory-tinged leaves.
The Variegata can grow to sizes of two feet wide and eight feet tall.
Keep the soil moist but never soaking and allow it to dry out two inches before pouring more water into the Variegata’s pot.
Well-draining, acidic to neutral soil with a pH reading of 5.5 to 7.0 is best.
Again, to provide the t best soil mix for your Adansonii Variegata, I’d suggest adding some soil amendments such as orchid bark, vermiculite, perlite, or peat moss.
An average room temperature range of 65 to 80 degrees is plenty cozy for the Variegata.
In my experience, I’d recommend focusing more on the humidity than the inside temperature when it comes to caring for this Adansonii variety.
It really comes to life and begins growing faster if you can keep the humidity higher than 50 percent.
You can always move this Monstera Adansonii variety into your bathroom if the space receives bright, indirect light. Do avoid dimmer lighting if you want that white variegation to remain!
Use a liquid fertilizer on the Variegata between the spring and summer, applying it every few weeks.