Rooting Hormones for Plants: The Essential Guide
Some gardeners increase the number of plants in their garden by just purchasing plants whenever possible. Other gardeners, myself included, prefer to not only buy new plants but to also use pieces of our existing healthy plants to propagate even more plants. If you have new plant cuttings that you’re priming for growth, you’ll certainly want to look into rooting hormones for plants.
What are rooting hormones for plants? Plant rooting hormones are natural or manufactured products that stimulate the growth and development of a plant cutting’s roots. Rooting hormones Applying rooting hormones can boost the chances of your cutting growing into its own full-fledged plant.
If you’re growing a plant species that doesn’t root as easily, then having rooting hormone is a must. In this in-depth, extensive guide, I will tell you everything you could ever want to know about rooting hormone.
From the types of hormones used, the benefits of rooting hormone, and even how to make your own rooting hormone using all sorts of household ingredients, you’re not going to want to miss this!
What Is Rooting Hormone?
First, I want to talk more about what rooting hormone even is, so let’s take the information from the intro and elaborate on it.
As you’re naturally tending to your indoor garden, you may prune off parts of your plants. These parts can include branch and stem cuttings.
What many indoor gardeners do is take these cuttings and use them to propagate new houseplants. Several species of common houseplants propagate especially easily, including:
- Prayer plant
- Rosemary
- Umbrella plant
- Pothos
- Philodendron
- African violets
- Spiderwort
- Snake plant
- ZZ plant
Whether you’re growing the above plant species or those that don’t propagate quite as easily, you can use rooting hormone to boost the rate of successful propagation. Rooting hormone is a chemical substance, typically a powder or liquid, that you add to your plant cutting. Then, you put your cutting in its growing medium, like soil or water.
Why is it called rooting hormone? Well, because this product contains plant hormones, which are not the same as animal hormones and definitely quite different from human hormones. I’ll talk more about the types of plant hormones found in rooting hormone momentarily.
You may opt to make your own rooting hormone from scratch at home, or you can always buy the commercial store-bought stuff. Either way, you’ll have the rooting hormones for a while, as a little goes a long way.
What Are the Types of Hormones Used in Plant Rooting Hormone?
Okay, so let’s talk more about the hormones found in most commercial plant rooting hormone products. These are abscisic acid, cytokinins, gibberellins, and auxins.
Abscisic Acid
The first naturally-occurring plant hormone in rooting hormone is abscisic acid. The stomate of your plant can close thanks to this hormone, and organ sizes are controlled for overgrowth as well. Abscisic acid also assists in bud and seed dormancy, so it’s quite important to a plant’s development.
Yet abscisic acid has an even more important job, and that’s acting as a stress hormone. When a houseplant becomes stressed out from conditions like excessive heat, freezing cold temperatures, salinity changes in the soil, and/or drought, abscisic acid prevents other hormones from continuing their usual processes. This allows the plant to manage its stress more efficiently.
Part of why plants grow so readily with rooting hormone is undoubtedly due to cytokinins.
These phytohormones oversee plant processes like senescence of leaves, the growth of axillary buds, apical dominance, and the growth of cells.
Those were some big terms I threw out, so let me take a minute to explain.
Plant senescence is another way of referring to the way plants age. A houseplant (or an outdoor plant) can age due to how long it’s been alive or if stress has pushed it along. Leaf senescence specifically allows nitrogen and other nutrients to be recycled to the plant’s storage organs for growth.
Apical dominance is simply the way the parts of the plant grow so one part is stronger than another. For instance, a plant’s central stem is the most dominant, meaning it’s the most sturdy and strong. The side stems are the next strongest, and branches from the side stems are weaker.
Getting back to cytokinins now, their other primary duty is cytokinesis, hence the name. Cytokinesis occurs when a eukaryotic cell splits into two different cells. Cell division through cytokinesis allows the indoor plant’s shoots and roots to grow.
The next plant hormone in rooting hormone, the gibberellins, promote a variety of plant developmental processes. These include fruit and leaf senescence, flower blooming, dormancy, and germination. How large your houseplant’s flowers will be as well as how long its stems are all comes down to the gibberellins.
The last plant hormone is one of the most important. Auxins, a plant hormone class, are responsible for growing your plant cutting as well as overseeing the behavioral and growth processes during a plant’s differing life cycles.
Auxins exist in two forms: indole-3-butyric acid or IBA and indole-3 acetic acid or IAA. Of the two, IAA is contained within plants in greater quantities. That said, IAA can also break down in strong enough light, such as sunlight.
IBA will become IAA through conversion, so there’s naturally less of it in a plant.
What Are the Benefits of Rooting Hormone?
This may be your first introduction to rooting hormone. If you’ve been at this indoor gardening thing for a while and all your plants have grown well enough to this point, then you may wonder, why use rooting hormone at all?
I have a handful of reasons right here, so let’s discuss them now.
The biggest and top draw to using rooting hormone is for plant growth. I’ll talk about this more in the next section, but not every plant species necessarily thrives through application of rooting hormone.
For those that do though, you can accelerate their growth to ensure your cuttings propagate successfully. In other words, you’ll have a bigger, fuller plants sooner than later!
Durable Root System
A plant’s roots are everything. Without strong roots, your plant might not take hold to its soil or growth medium. Also, weak roots may be more susceptible to plant health issues such as root rot or other disease.
When your new houseplant is still just a cut stem, you can give it the highest chance of growing strong roots with rooting hormone. Of course, your care habits can maintain root strength, so avoid overwatering, underwatering, or improperly using fertilizer.
Also, keep plants a decent distance from one another as they grow. When their roots are too close, the roots can begin competing for nutrients and water, often leaving one of the plants to die.
Higher Quality of Flowers and/or Fruit
Is your houseplant known for its stunning, fragrant flowers? Perhaps it’s the abundant, delicious fruit. Either way, in most cases, you can promote the growth of fruit and/or flowers in your plant by using rooting hormone.
More Uniformity in Growth
Do you have a lopsided houseplant or two? We’ve all been there, but it’s not very visually appealing when some of your indoor plants are nice and tall but others are noticeably shorter.
A Michigan State University report found that you might be able to fix your problem of plant unevenness by using rooting hormone. Now your indoor garden will have more uniformity for Instagram-worthy pictures.
Do All Plants Benefit from the Use of Rooting Hormone?
I think I’ve established well enough by now that rooting hormone is pretty great. That said, not every last houseplant species agrees. It’s not that the rooting hormone won’t do anything for these plants, per se, but it won’t carry nearly as many benefits for some plant species as the philodendron or ZZ plant, for instance.
Here are some plants that can go their whole lives without rooting hormone but still thrive:
- Perovskia or Russian sage
- Nepeta or catnip
- Achillea or yarrows
- Plectranthus or spurflowers
- Verbena
- Abutilon
- Petunia
- Perilla
- Diascia or twinspur
- Coleus
- Petchoa
These houseplant species experience moderately more benefits from rooting hormone:
- Lavender
- Rosemary
- Campanula or bellflowers
- Penstemon or beardtongues
- Erysimum or wallflowers
- Scabiosa or pincushions
- Buddleia or butterfly bush
- Geraniums
- Coreopsis or tickseed
- Fuchsia
- Poinsettia
- Plumbago or leadworts
- Begonia
Should You Buy Commercial Rooting Hormone?
Like many beneficial plant treatments, you can find rooting hormone at many gardening or home improvement stores as well as online. Commercial rooting hormone often contains synthesized compounds that, while they aren’t auxins, can mimic this natural plant hormone.
These include:
- 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid or 2,4-D
- and alpha-Naphthalene acetic acid or NAA.
As an herbicide, NAA has similar effects to the indole-3-acetic acid or IAA in natural plant auxins. Your houseplant won’t know nor care if it’s receiving IAA or NAA.
As for 2,4-D, this organic compound enhances tissue culture but in and of itself isn’t a rooting hormone.
Commercial rooting hormones shouldn’t necessarily affect plants all that differently compared to using a homemade version with plant hormones, so it’s your choice if you’d like to buy your rooting hormone or go the DIY route.
Popular commercial rooting hormones among indoor gardeners
I’ve also included shopping links courtesy of Amazon.
Garden Safe Rooting Hormone
Garden Safe says their rooting hormone is intended for greenhouse, garden, and indoor plants, including woody ornamentals, coleus, geraniums, philodendrons, poinsettias, roses, and African violets.
The active, main ingredient in Garden Safe’s commercial rooting hormone product is indole-3-butryic acid or IBA for a more natural growth treatment for your plants.
Bonide Bontone II Rooting Powder
Remember, not all rooting hormone is a liquid. You can also get it in powder form, such as Bonide Bontone II. Intended for poinsettias, pachysandra, geraniums, mums, azaleas, and other plant species, Bonide’s Bontone II helps roots take hold and aides the plant in growing. Even if you’re using seeds or bulbs to grow your houseplant rather than cuttings, Bontone II still works.
Miracle-Gro FastRoot1 Dry Powder Rooting Hormone
Here’s the powder rooting hormone from Miracle-Gro that I have in the featured image on this article. I’ve used it for years and it works really well on hardy ornamental plants, tropical plants, and foliage, including softwood, greenwood, and leaf cuttings. Miracle-Gro recommends using their powder rooting hormones on cut stems that are 4 to 6 inches at least.
Hormodin #3 Rooting Hormone
Another top commercial rooting hormone is Hormodin’s. This product has specially-formulated ingredients intended for those plant species that don’t root easily without some extra assistance. For instance, if you have leafless plants that have gone dormant, you can try some Hormodin and it just may work. The same is true of stubborn evergreens.
Hydrofarm Liquid Hormone Concentrate Hydroponic Rooting Solution
Hydrofarm’s rooting hormone comes in a liquid concentrate that the manufacturer says is self-sanitizing. With both types of rooting auxins as the main acting ingredients, this rooting hormone may be able to treat your issues with houseplant cross-contamination while promoting growth. Keep in mind this liquid hormone concentrate does have isopropyl alcohol and ethyl alcohol.
Clonex HydroDynamics Rooting Gel
Clonex is a big name in rooting hormone. Their HydroDynamics rooting gel is water-based so the gel lasts longer. When you apply the gel, it takes hold around your plant’s stem, keeping the cut tissue sealed so it can receive hormones for healthier, stronger roots.
The HydroDynamics formula contains trace elements and mineral nutrients for a growing, healthy houseplant.
Hormex Rooting Hormone Powder #8
My last recommended pick for commercial rooting hormones is Hormex. This formulation of their rooting powder works in clay pellets, soil, peat moss, coco, rockwool, or whatever else your plant’s growing medium may be. Hormex says their product can prevent cutting sag and root rot.
Although Hormex doesn’t disclose the ingredients used in their rooting powder, they do say it has no preservatives, dye, or alcohol.
How to Make Rooting Hormone at Home
Your other option is making your own DIY rooting hormone, which I’ve written about extensively in another article here on Indoor Plants for Beginners titled: 7 Ways to Make Your Own Natural Rooting hormone .
Going the DIY route can come in handy for several reasons. For starters, you know exactly what’s going into the rooting hormone so you can feel good about giving it to your plant cuttings.
A lot of ingredients in commercial rooting hormone can be hard to pronounce and comprehend. You can skip all those confusing and unfamiliar ingredients when you go the homemade route.
Also, you never have to run out since you can always make more hormone. You could even save money depending on which ingredients you use in your homemade rooting hormone.
Which ingredients are those? You have plenty of options, but one of the more popular picks for a homemade rooting hormone is apple cider vinegar. This is probably a product you already have in your kitchen cabinets, which makes apple cider vinegar even more convenient.
Apple Cider Rooting Hormone Recipe
Apple cider vinegar is comprised of fermented apple juice. It’s a common cleaning ingredient, especially for household surfaces such as your sink, cabinets, and bathroom and kitchen counters. Apple cider vinegar is also edible, although it’s anything but tasty.
What about for your plants? The acidity in apple cider vinegar as well as the trace elements (of which there are more than 30), makes this vinegar a good pick for some, but not all plant species.
For instance, gardenias, hydrangeas, and rhododendrons can all be killed if you feed them apple cider vinegar.
The same is true of other plant species considered more alkaline or basic.
I’ve discussed pH before, but now seems like the perfect time for a recap.
Plants prefer more acidic or alkaline growing conditions depending on the species.
On the pH scale, items rated with a 1.0 to a 6.0 are considered acidic.
These include:
- gastric acid with an acidity of 1.0
- lemon juice with an acidity of 2.0
- apple juice with an acidity of 3.0
- and tomato juice with an acidity of 4.0
Since a pH of 7.0 is neutral, anything from 8.0 to 14.0 is basic or alkaline, which is the opposite of acidic.
These include:
- eggs at 8.0
- baking soda at 9.0
- hand soap at 10.0
- ammonia at 11.0.
Even if a houseplant species is more acidic, using too much apple cider vinegar can hinder rather than help with rooting. Just like us, too much of a good thing can turn into a bad thing. Remember to have a light hand.
Here are the recipe quantities:
- Water (5 to 6 cups)
- Apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon)
Now let’s begin with making your own apple cider vinegar rooting hormone for houseplants.
Step 1: In a bowl, pour your water in. Then, add the dash of apple cider vinegar.
Step 2: Stir the liquids together until they’re decently incorporated.
Step 3: Bring in your houseplant cuttings. Dip the bottoms of the cuttings into the bowl of apple cider vinegar and water. Avoid plunking the whole cutting in there or letting the cutting’s bottom saturate for too long.
Step 4: Transfer your plant cutting to its soil or growth medium.
Some recipes I’ve seen call for using a gallon of water for your apple cider vinegar rooting hormone. If you have a lot of cuttings to work with, then sure, you might need more water, but otherwise, this much probably isn’t necessary.
That said, if you do in fact have a lot of cuttings you want to prep all together and in a short period of time:
- Add 3 tablespoons of the apple cider vinegar for each gallon of water.
Follow the instructions above to make your rooting hormone and then prep your plant cuttings for growth.
Willow Tea Rooting Hormone Recipe
Another option you can use when creating a DIY liquid rooting hormone recipe is willow tea, also referred to as willow water. No matter which name you prefer, this liquid comes from the willow plant, which includes more than 400 shrub and deciduous tree species.
The willow is distinct because its branches grow long and then overhang, much like vines do. It’s no wonder that some species of willow are called the weeping willow. This tree hangs down low and almost looks like it’s mourning.
The salicylic and indole butyric acids in the willow are beneficial for houseplants. As a keratolytic, you may be familiar with salicylic acid as an ingredient in acne medication, but it’s also within your plants as a phenolic phytohormone.
The salicylic acid in your indoor plants can contribute to their ability to transport and intake ions, transpire, photosynthesize, and grow. By adding more salicylic acid, you’re boosting the growth of your houseplants even more.
As for indole butyric acid, its full name is indole-3-butyric acid, which is an auxin or natural plant hormone as discussed above. Indole butyric acid starts as a solid that’s crystalline and yellow in color.
When rooting plant cuttings, it’s ideal to mix pure alcohol (at least 75 percent alcohol content) with the indole butyric acid since it isn’t water-soluble. The alcohol helps the solid dissolve somewhat, giving you a solution that’s 10,000 to 50,000 particles per million or PPM.
If you have a willow tree at the ready, then follow these handy steps.
Step 1: Using sterilized gardening shears, cut your willow tree’s twigs, which are more preferable than the end shoots. That said, if you only have shoots available, these work too.
It’s best to wait until spring to harvest the twigs and shoots, as they’ll be freshly growing. The newer twigs work best, as they have more salicylic and indole butyric acid than older twigs. Look for the green twigs and shoots especially.
Step 2: Once you have what you need, bring the twigs and shoots inside. Take off any leaves that may remain, then cut the twigs down until they’re an inch each.
Step 3: Boil some water, ensuring you have 1:3 the quantities of water to shoots. Some indoor gardeners follow a 2:3 ratio.
Step 4: Pour some water into a glass jar, then add your twigs and shoots. Seal the jar.
Step 5: Let 24 hours pass. Get another fresh, clean jar and, using a sieve, strain the contents of the first jar into the second. Give the twigs some more time in the water.
Step 6: Remove the twigs and compost them if you’d like. Feed your plant cuttings the willow tea.
How to Make Your Own Homemade Rooting Hormone Powder
Rooting powder has great stability, so you can hold onto it longer without worrying about it messing up your plant cutttings if you need to use the rooting hormone six months from now.
Aspirin Rooting Hormone Powder Recipe
The most popular ingredient for a DIY powder-based rooting hormone is aspirin.
Aspirin as a rooting hormone is super handy and easy to make since most people already have aspirin in the house. You also don’t need a lot of it to expand your indoor garden.
While us people use aspirin for its pain-killing properties, plants favor it for another reason. That’s for the acetylsalicylic acid in aspirin. If the last part of that name sounds familiar, it’s because acetylsalicylic acid comes from salicylic acid, a common growth ingredient also in willow tea/water.
When indoor plants make salicylic acid, they tend to do so when under duress. The acid is like a cozy blanket, helping the plant get through situations such as disease, lack of feeding, dryness from underwatering, and insect infestations.The salicylic acid then acts as an immune system boost for the houseplant.
Aspirin has a great reputation for helping houseplants. It may augment your plant yield and the size of the plants so your indoor garden is robust and healthy. You can also speed up the germination process so your plant cuttings take root faster.
You only need one ingredient to make that magic happen, 325 milligrams of Aspirin in a pill that’s non-coated.
Now, here’s exactly how you can do it.
Step 1: In a pill crusher, put in your aspirin tablet. Mash the aspirin into decently-sized chunks.
Step 2: With another crushing instrument, such as a mortar and pestle, smash the aspirin until it’s a fine powder. You can even use your hands for this, but fair warning, that may hurt.
Step 3: Pour your aspirin powder into a small bowl.
Step 4: With a dash of water, wet the ends of your plant cuttings so they’re moist but not soaking. Then, cover the wet ends with the aspirin powder, ensuring they’re well-coated.
Step 5: Transfer the cuttings to your growth medium of choice and you won’t be waiting long for germination to occur.
How to Make Your Own Homemade Rooting Hormone Gel
You may also want to make a homemade rooting hormone gel, which is the easiest type of rooting hormone to use of the three, since it creates a seal around the cutting for growth.
Honey is one of the best ingredients for a DIY rooting hormone gel. The stickiness of honey combined with its gel-like texture will trigger growth in your plant cuttings before you know it.
Honey Rooting Hormone Gel Recipe
You love honey because it’s delectably tasty, but your plants aren’t eating it, right? Well, sort of. Remember, plants produce sugar during photosynthesis, and honey has a similar nutritional profile to the glucose plants favor. That makes it a great ingredient to use.
If you are going to work with honey, I have a few warnings for you. For one, it’s definitely sticky, so wear gloves so your hands aren’t coated. Also, do be aware that the scent of honey could attract honeybees to your indoor garden.
Bees aren’t such a big deal if you grow plants outside, but few people are cool with a bee buzzing around their home or office. If you’re one of them, then limit how often you open the windows when you’re using honey as a rooting hormone gel.
Let’s talk ingredients now:
- 2 cups of water
- 1 tablespoon of honey
If you’re ready to get started now,
here’s how to make honey rooting hormone gel at home.
Step 1: Pour water into a pot, 2 cups, and then put the pot on your stovetop, heating it until it comes to a boil.
Step 2: Squeeze out a tablespoon of honey onto a spoon and then stir that spoon into the water, letting the honey melt a bit. It’s okay if you still see some honey in the water.
Step 3: Turn the oven heat source off and let the pot of water cool down.
Step 4: When you can safely handle the pot, pour the contents into a container, preferably a canning jar since you need a container with a cover.
Step 5: Take your plant cuttings, ideally those between 6 and 12 inches long, and ensure they’re trimmed at 45-degree angles. Then, dip the bottoms of the cuttings into the water and honey.
Step 6: Repeat as necessary and then put the plant cuttings in your growth medium of choice.
If You’ve Enjoyed This, You’ll Love: 7 Ways to Make Your Own Natural Rooting Hormone
How to Use Rooting Hormone
As much care as you’ll take into preparing the materials for your DIY rooting hormone, all that can be undone if you don’t prep the plant cuttings in a similarly careful fashion.
That’s why, in this section, I want to talk specifically about:
- Which plant cuttings you should use
- How to maintain their condition
- Everything else I think you need to know so your cuttings are ready to grow their best.
Choosing the Right Plants for Use as Cuttings
Not every plant is eligible to have cuttings removed. If your plant hasn’t yet grown to 3 or 8 inches, then it’s still too young for vital parts to be removed. Also, plants that are showing any signs of disease or distress are ineligible as well, as the cuttings likely aren’t strong enough to survive being transplanted to a new growth medium.
For that reason, you don’t want to just take any old plant part that falls off your houseplant and use that as a cutting. Plants may shed if they’re under stress, they’re mishandled, or they’re left in inclement conditions like an open window with strong winds blowing in. Skip these fallen parts and remove your own plant parts through thoughtful pruning to choose the best cuttings from the houseplants you’re working with.
Cutting Parts Off Your Houseplant
You only want to use clean cutting shears or a knife. If you’re removing the cuttings from more than one plant in your indoor garden, then make sure you disinfect the shears or knife in between working with each plant.
Like you did when cutting willow stems from your willow tree, take young stems off your houseplant only. Start at the top and work your way down, looking for nodes. These stem knobs swell slightly so you can easily find them. Take off any flowers or leaves on the node, as you don’t need these.
Applying the Rooting Hormone
Most rooting hormones don’t require you to moisten the plant cutting before dipping it into the hormone. If yours does, such as when using aspirin, then a bit of water will work just fine to moisten the cutting.
Remember, you don’t want to douse the whole plant cutting in the rooting hormone, nor do you want to saturate it for long. Only the end should be dipped in, as this is the part of the plant that will take hold to the growth medium and begin establishing roots.
Using Common Household Ingredients as a Rooting Hormone: Do They Work?
You heard through a few indoor gardening friends that you can use spit as the basis of a plant rooting hormone. You definitely did a double-take when your friend mentioned that. Is it really true?
Yes, it is. Here is more information on spit as a rooting hormone as well as a few other options you may not have been aware of.
Spit Rooting Hormone
You would never dream of spitting on your houseplants, but did you know that for plant cuttings, spit is actually to their benefit? It turns out, the enzymes in your saliva triggers root growth so your new plant cuttings take hold even faster.
Here’s a fun fact: many indoor gardeners prefer using spit as a rooting hormone above all else because it may be the most effective option.
You can also save lots of time by using spit because you don’t need to prep any ingredients or mix anything together. Just spit your best into a bowl and then dip your plant cutting’s end into the spit. Sanitary? Not necessarily. But effective? Absolutely.
Cinnamon Rooting Hormone
A dash of cinnamon makes your desserts so much sweeter, and this powder will also enhance plant rooting success. Cinnamon works as a natural antifungal, so it has all sorts of purposes in your indoor garden, such as warding off pests like ants and controlling fungus-based plant diseases.
Oh, and cinnamon is an awesome rooting hormone. All you need is a tablespoon of the powder. Pour it onto a flat surface like your counter or a plate. Then, moisten the end of your plant cutting and coat it in the cinnamon generously.
Aloe Vera Rooting Hormone
One of the most beloved succulent species is the aloe vera. Used for generations as a medicinal treatment, today, lots of people still favor aloe vera, especially if you have a gnarly sunburn. The long, fleshly, pointed leaves of this succulent are worth hanging onto for their use as a rooting hormone as well.
Aloe vera encourages your plant cutting to intake water and nutrients more efficiently and to divide cells faster. Further, aloe vera is another natural antifungal option as well as an antibacterial agent.
You only need a single uncut leaf to get started with this DIY rooting hormone recipe. Use a clean, sharp knife to slice through your aloe vera. Aim the pointed part of the leaf towards you and cut the leaf from its widest end.
Then, with a spoon (also clean, please), press your spoon down into the aloe vera leaf so the spoon’s bowl side faces up. Scrape through the cut leaf to push out all the aloe vera gel.
Then, move your gel to a small bowl or a cup, stirring until the gel becomes more like a liquid. Without wetting the plant cutting, put it in the aloe vera liquid at the ends and then transfer your plant cutting to your pot or container.
Caring for Plants with Rooting Hormone: How It’s Done
Your plant cuttings have been sitting in their growth medium for several days now, maybe even a week. What should you do in the meantime? You want to start establishing good care habits by doing the following.
Is it necessary to water your burgeoning plant or should you wait until it’s grown a bit more? You definitely don’t want to deprive your plant cutting of water at this crucial time. If you do water the new plant, tepid water is recommended and in small quantities.
You also don’t want to skip the light, so use some florescent grow lights to ensure your new plant is in the best position to grow up big and healthy.
Control the temperature as well, keeping it around 71 degrees Fahrenheit with a humidifier or your thermostat. If the cuttings get too cold, you could retard the development of the roots, which is not what you want. Yet make sure the temps don’t soar too close to 80 degrees either. In that much heat, the cuttings will focus more on growing vegetation than establishing roots, which can make their life a very short-lived one.
As for humidity, you want to crank it up a bit, even higher than what your houseplant species usually requires. During the propagation phase, the extra humidity keeps the cutting from losing too much water. Again, watch that you don’t set the humidity too low nor too high.
Should You Fertilize Houseplants with Rooting Hormone?
The last thing I want to talk about with root hormone-treated plants is fertilization. When you fertilize a plant, you’re distributing the much-needed nutrients to the plant’s roots for its survival. Some fertilizers out there are formulated for encouraging more root growth, the same thing a rooting hormone is supposed to do.
When using a commercial rooting hormone especially, you don’t need a fertilizer right away. I’d actually suggest you wait until your plant’s roots take hold and the plant gets a chance to mature a bit before you look into a fertilizer.
When it comes to fertilizing in addition to recently using a rooting hormone, too much too soon could be overkill.
I hope you this guide and that it answered all your questions about using rooting hormone for plants.
If you enjoyed reading, Rooting Hormones for Plants: The Essential Guide by please share it with others who might also enjoy it. Best of luck with your indoor plants!